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  分类:Linux  / 
更新:2023-08-14 09:49:28  /  创建:2022-08-18 10:34:41

date created: 2022-07-05 11:03


xflux -l 43.80 87.58

Download and install flux :

$wget -c https://secure.herf.org/flux/xflux.tgz

$tar -xvzf xflux.tgz

$rm -rf xflux.tgz

$sudo cp xflux /usr/bin/

$sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/xflux

Now you can run flux with xflux command, you can also add it to your start up, But first you have to define your zipcode or latitude.Example :

$xflux -l 33.55, 44.55

When i am posting this blog post, the f.lux does not support latitude over 60.

Or you can define zipcode -z instead of -l

Now add it to your startup :

System > Preferences > Sessions

Name : Xflux

Command : xflux -l 33.55, 44.55 (DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE the latitude or Zip!)

Comment : F.lux , Better lighting For Your Computer

